
Banner of Portuguese Mediterranean Cone Shells

Mediterranean Cone Shell || Conus ventricosus

Size: 7 to 63 millimeters Color: Shades of brown, orange, red, yellow Family: Conidae Fun fact: The venom of some cone shell species are currently used as a subject of research in the field of medicine....

Mediterranean Cone Shell || Conus ventricosus

Size: 7 to 63 millimeters Color: Shades of brown, orange, red, yellow Family: Conidae Fun fact: The venom of some cone shell species are currently used as a subject of research in the field of medicine....

Coquina || Donax trunculus or Donax vittatus

Coquina || Donax trunculus or Donax vittatus

Size: 15 to 33 millimeters Color: Purple, white, blue, green, yellow, pink and orange Family: Donacidae Fun fact: Coquinas are lightning-fast burrowers. When exposed to air or sensing any potential danger, these...

Coquina || Donax trunculus or Donax vittatus

Size: 15 to 33 millimeters Color: Purple, white, blue, green, yellow, pink and orange Family: Donacidae Fun fact: Coquinas are lightning-fast burrowers. When exposed to air or sensing any potential danger, these...

Blog Flat Topshell, Purple Topshell, Steromphala umbilicalis, portugal seabylou

Flat Topshell || Steromphala umbilicalis

Size: 10 to 22 millimeters Color: Purple, blue, green, red, pink, orange, brown Family: Trochidae Fun fact: As the snail grows older, the vibrant purple bands on its shell tend to...

Flat Topshell || Steromphala umbilicalis

Size: 10 to 22 millimeters Color: Purple, blue, green, red, pink, orange, brown Family: Trochidae Fun fact: As the snail grows older, the vibrant purple bands on its shell tend to...

European cowrie shell portugal, spotted cowrie, trivia monacha sea by lou

European Cowrie || Trivia monacha

Scientific name: Trivia monacha Size: Between 5 and 12 mm  Color: Off-white with 3 brown dots Family: Triviidae Fun fact: Did you know all of these shells have 3 dots? How cute!    A Coastal...

European Cowrie || Trivia monacha

Scientific name: Trivia monacha Size: Between 5 and 12 mm  Color: Off-white with 3 brown dots Family: Triviidae Fun fact: Did you know all of these shells have 3 dots? How cute!    A Coastal...

Clausinella fasciata, striped venus shell, banded venus shell, seabylou, sea by lou, shells portugal, portuguese shells

Banded Venus shell || Clausinella fasciata

Size: between 0.7 and 4 cm  Color: Red, purple, pink, yellow or brown Family: Veneridae Fun fact: Some shells have unique, intricate patterns and extremely vibrant colors   Banded Venus shell (Clausinella fasciata) is...

Banded Venus shell || Clausinella fasciata

Size: between 0.7 and 4 cm  Color: Red, purple, pink, yellow or brown Family: Veneridae Fun fact: Some shells have unique, intricate patterns and extremely vibrant colors   Banded Venus shell (Clausinella fasciata) is...

Gibbula Magus, magus top shell, great top shell, pink top shell, geknobbelde tolhoren

Gibbula Magus || Magus Topshell || Turban Topshell

Size: 10 to 35 millimeters Color: Pink, white, yellow, brown, orange, grey, reddish Family: Trochidae Fun fact: Gibbula magus is sometimes used as a bioindicator species   Gibbula Magus Shell is a beautiful...

Gibbula Magus || Magus Topshell || Turban Topshell

Size: 10 to 35 millimeters Color: Pink, white, yellow, brown, orange, grey, reddish Family: Trochidae Fun fact: Gibbula magus is sometimes used as a bioindicator species   Gibbula Magus Shell is a beautiful...